"ViNNaiththaandi Varuvaaya" directed by Gautham Vasudev Menon starring Silambarasan and Trisha and is touted to be the first film that Rahman signed after his twin Oscars is about a aspiring assistant director played by Simbu (Karthik) falling in love (at first sight of course!) with Jessie, his house owners (good to Babu Anthony after quite sometime) daughter who live in the first floor. The rest of the film is all about how he woos her and whether she reciprocates or not. Did I hear some one exclaiming "Old wine"?
Not really.What sets this film apart is the narrative and all credit to Gautham for the script that keeps us engaged most of the times. Yes it is a slow paced movie, and drags a little in the second half. But you can't ignore the freshness in the screenplay and the narration.
Simbu is a revelation and this, without an iota of doubt is his best performance till date. There was never a doubt about the talent (atleast to me) and kudos to Gautham for having brought the best out of him. In a recent TV show Gautham had thanked Simbu for enacting Karthik's character beautifully. True. He is so apt and plays his part to perfection especially the subtle expressions in some of the montage shots are superb.
Trisha looks beautiful and is adequate. Her chemistry with Simbu is quite good. Ganesh playing Simbu's friend has some really good moments and one liners.
But this movie well and truly belongs to A.R.Rahman. His music is the heart and soul of this film, though I thought the rocking 'Aaromale' could have been used in a better way and in some places montage instead of lip sync would have been a better option. Nevertheless, Gautham's ability to extract the best from his music directors is proved yet again.
I personally believe that this soundtrack is arguably Rahman's best works in recent times. Lyricist Thaamarai's lines are simple and straight and also quite different from her previous works. This could be her turning point to the next level.
Manoj Paramahamsa's cinematography is pleasing to the eyes as each location is captured in a picture perfect way.
Final word: Albeit being a simple love story this is quite engaging barring a few moments in the second half. If you like the music of this film you will enjoy it.
I am humming "Swasthi Swasthi Sumuhurtham, Sumangali Bhava MaNavaatti...."
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