14 July 2009


It was abt when I came to Bangalore(2005)..I had no idea abt Ilaiyaraaja's Kannada songs etc..(my collection & knowledge (?!) was limited to popular tamil hits of his)

I was in this auto from BTM to MG road & the autowaalah was blurting out his FM. Quite a few songs played during that travel of mine, of which I had no clue.

Suddenly this song caught me by surprise. I had never lent my ear to a Kannada song before..This song was so attractive that I even asked the autowaalah if he knew which movie this song was in. But beyond all that something told me that it had something to do with Ilaiyaraaja...

The first 2 words (it turned out to be only the 2nd) of the song was what I could register in all the traffic and the noise around..and I understood it to be Deva Hoovaagidhe...

Immediately on reaching office I googled and google threw up the suggestion Jeeva Hoovaagidhae and to my surprise of surprises there was Ilaiyaraaja's name tagged to it...There was still a doubt lingering...and I got my answer when I reached hostel that evening. The first thing I did was to open raaga.com listen to Dr.Raj go Jeeva Hoovaagidhae in the company of the evergreen S.Janaki.

Is this a very important anecdote? Yes it is..to me..coz this incident gave me the confidence that all the songs of Ilaiyaraaja that I had listened to in the past had not gone in vain and I could identify and connect to a song he had composed, though the language was greek and latin to me at that time. More than an anecdote it turned out to be an experience that continues till date and is etched in my memory. Starting with this song I have now accumulated over 70 of his Kannada compositions...and its growing day by day..

Especially 2009 has been a feast with a windfall of releases. 3 of his Kannada albums are already out and atleast 2 more are expected to be out before end of the year. Looking forward to them and many more..

Thanks to the autowaalah and the FM station..

anyway let me stop here n give the link to this wonderful composition


Happy Listening..all over again..Cheers...

1 comment:

Raj said...

'Jeeva Hoovagidhe' is a fresh coffee(kapi) from Coorg.
Recently, I had an opportunity to watch the movie on Udaya.Oh!What a movie [:)].

Whenever I watch such 'great' movies, I never stop wondering as to how patient and tolerant Raaja is.He is forced to watch all kinds of crap.That is ok because his profession demands that.But how he is able to weave his magic in the background score even in such third rate movies.

This film's theme music is the tune of 'Jeeva..' song.Pl. watch the movie at least to taste the different varieties of coffee!